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The device industry is characterized by the fragmentation of the supply chains. The lack of consistent identity schemes for IoT devices is driving leading services providers to build walled gardens. When data generated by devices is not tagged by an identifier, its worthiness is degraded.

The objective of this document is to present the need for common schemes to identity devices, bind them dynamically to applications and manage them during their lifecycle. The document will describe the importance of having trustworthy data and metadata from IoT devices to applications.

Cloud companies and device vendors see the need to break down walled gardens to enable growth across the whole marketplace. Collaboration removes inefficiencies in the supply chains and adds security to the parametrization and authentication of the IoT devices. It enables competition and creates opportunities across markets and supply chains for all participants in the IoT market.

Users of the devices and consumers of the services that they generate benefit from the identity schemes that track the devices and their sub-elements throughout the life of the device. The services provider shave robust and standardized models by which to identify devices and their blocks of IP. They can authenticate the data generated by the devices. The services are built on trustworthy systems that can be securely managed throughout their life.


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Target audience:

This document is targeting all the actors along the semiconductor and device supply chains. It is also targeting the organizations that will consume these devices, especially within the IoT industry. The document is written for the executives, the product managers and the senior architects of these companies. Its objective is to expose that IoT data reporting and management systems need to be built around end to end architectures that integrate Identity and security as fundamental building blocks. To create value chains that take advantage of competition, cooperation between all the suppliers around the identity and security models is fundamental. Ideally, the systems used standardized design concepts to enable the consistent tracking of all the building blocks.

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