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PUF Cafe Episodes

PUF Cafe Episodes is a webinar series by Intrinsic ID in which a variety of speakers discuss different topics related to PUF technology. Below you can find all episodes of this series that have been aired so far.

Episode 1: Brief History of Some Early PUFs

Presenter: Pim Tuyls, CEO and Co-Founder of Intrinsic ID

Original air date: Wednesday March 3rd 2021

Pim takes us back in time to before he co-founded Intrinsic ID. At that time (early 2000’s) Pim was leading a team at Philips Research that was studying some of the earliest PUF implementations. Pim tells us all about these early PUFs and their benefits, but also why they never made it into production.

Episode 2: Deriving Multiple Keys from a Single PUF

Presenter: Roel Maes, Principle Security Architect at Intrinsic ID

Original air date: Wednesday March 31st 2021

A best practice in security design is that “a single cryptographic key shall only be used for a single purpose.” Thus, the key-management component in a security solution needs to provide a method for generating a separate key for each different purpose that requires a secret key. In this PUF Cafe Episode, Roel will discuss this very important property of security systems and how it can be achieved in devices utilizing PUFs.

Episode 3: Secure Provisioning of PUF enabled devices

Presenter: Brian Colgan, Field Application Engineer at EPS Global

Original air date: Wednesday May 5th 2021

To solve security problems in IoT systems, such as authentication, product lifecycle management, reverse engineering and cloning, every device needs an unclonable identity. This consists of a secret key, a public key and a certificate. With Brian we discuss how devices can be securely provisioned with this identity at any point in the supply chain by combining PUF technology with the provisioning services of EPS Global.

Episode 4: Use of PUF in an Embedded Security Framework

Presenter: Pieter Willems, VP Worldwide Sales & Marketing at Silex Insight

Original air date: Wednesday June 2nd 2021

To improve the security and ease the provisioning of devices, PUF technology can be integrated in the embedded security framework of a device. In this episode, Pieter will show what the benefits and challenges were to add a PUF to Silex’ eSecure secure enclave (to enable device authentication and root key generation) and how it can be used by a cryptographic accelerator directly.

Episode 5: What Are the Quantum Computing Threats to Security?

Format: Panel session with Pim Tuyls and Roel Maes from Intrinsic ID

Original air date: Wednesday June 30th 2021

There are very few words that are used more in tech publications right now than the word “quantum”. There are also very few words in the English language that are more difficult to understand and that can have as many different purposes. How do quantum mechanics relate to quantum effects or quantum computers? What is quantum computing, when is it available, and should we fear it? In this panel discussion with Pim and Roel, we will create a structure to better understand the different usages of the word quantum and show which of them relate to PUFs. Additionally, we will discuss the future threats to security posed by quantum computing and which algorithms would be affected by it.

Episode 6: Using PUFs for Random Number Generation

Presenter: Nicolas Moro, Embedded Systems Security Engineer at Intrinsic ID

Original air date: Wednesday September 29th 2021

Typically PUFs are used for creating unclonable identities and storing cryptographic keys, but they can also be a great source of randomness. Given that the availability of entropy is a necessity to create a PUF, it should be possible to use this entropy for “non-PUF” purposes. In this Episode, Nicolas will guide us through the process that is required to turn a PUF into a Random Number Generator (RNG). The steps of this process range from how to harvest the PUFs entropy all the way to how to get NIST CAVP certification for the resulting RNG.

Episode 7: The Role of PUFs in a Trusted Supply Chain

Presenter: Tom Katsioulas, Board Chair of the GSA Trusted IoT Ecosystem Security solutions

Original air date: Wednesday February 23rd 2022

Trusted supply chain provenance and traceability is becoming increasingly important for the quality, reliability, and security of electronic products. It can help reduce costs for tracking and fixing field issues, minimize liability risks and enable higher value in connected IoT applications. In addition, there are significant efficiencies and cost reductions that could be enabled in the procurement process for many integrators. In this PUF Cafe Episode, Tom will explain what the roles of trusted identities and PUF technology are in a trusted supply chain.

Episode 8: PUFs for Identity Tracking and Secure Lifecycle Management

Presenter: Marc Canel, VP of Strategy – Business Development, Imagination Technologies

Original air date: Wednesday July 27th 2022

Identity plays a critical role in end to end tracking of IP and components in our modern supply chain. PUF technology has become a cornerstone for the mechanisms to build a trusted identity and therefore the security of supply chains depends on this technology. In this PUF Cafe Episode Marc Canel will discuss the role of PUF technology in the supply chain and how it supports secure lifecycle management.

Episode 9: Ensuring your System’s Security by Protecting your PUF

Presenter: Jason Oberg, CTO and Co-founder of Cycuity

Original air date: Wednesday September 14th 2022

Since PUFs are based on the unique physical characteristics of a semiconductor device, it is significantly more difficult for an adversary to recreate a digital ID or key derived from them. However, that does not mean systems with a PUF require no further security measures to protect these IDs and keys after they have been derived. In this PUF Cafe Episode, Jason Oberg, CTO and Co-founder of Cycuity, will discuss why it is fundamental to understand any potential design weakness of the system that uses a PUF, to safeguard that the IDs and keys are used in a secure way.

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